Object of the Month


Lorenzo Papanti Carte de visite

Lorenzo Papanti

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[ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

这幅洛伦佐·帕潘蒂的随选肖像是米兰的Icilio Calzolari制作的. Samuel Foster McCleary (1822-1901), who served as Boston’s city clerk from 1852-1883, identified the photograph on the back as “Mr. Papanti my dancing master S.M.”

A school of "fashionable Dances"

For at least three generations, 来自波士顿婆罗门班的初露头角的少女和她们常常不情愿的舞伴,在一位名叫洛伦佐·帕潘蒂的色彩斑斓的意大利移民的指导下,学会了华尔兹、波尔卡和其他“时髦舞蹈”. In 1827, recently arrived from Italy, he established a dancing school for Boston’s elite, 他的舞蹈学校在新英格兰地区只是第二所舞蹈学校,波士顿社会上层的许多人认为舞蹈是只能在家里做的事情.

Fortunately for Papanti, 他找到了一个进入波士顿上层阶级的渠道,莎莉·福斯特·奥蒂斯也是他的坚定支持者, the wealthy widow of Harrison Gray Otis. In The Proper Bostonians, Cleveland Amory characterized Mrs. Otis as “The Mrs. 那个时代的杰克·加德纳(伊莎贝拉·斯图尔特·加德纳). 她喜欢做其他波士顿女士不做的事,而且是先做这些事.1834年,奥蒂斯和帕潘蒂一起跳起了据说是美国第一支华尔兹舞曲, 直到1872年约翰·施特劳斯二世, the “Waltz King” himself, performed in Boston, igniting a craze. Through Mrs. 奥蒂斯一流的家庭和社会关系,使帕帕蒂能够建立和发展他的学校. Lucius Beebe recounted that

All good Boston children went to Papanti’s, where his lean figure, 光滑的假发和优雅的漆皮舞鞋, and above all his pointed fiddle-bow, 用作纠正和调和的工具, struck terror to all juvenile hearts.

帕潘蒂和他的教训在许多19世纪波士顿人的回忆中都有记载. Laura Richards, a daughter of Julia Ward Howe, 我想起了帕潘蒂小提琴弓上的饶舌,这是任何一个小失误之后都会出现的. 她记得学习“不仅是华尔兹和波尔卡, quadrille—plain and Lancers—but also the Scottische, the Varsovienne, and the Spanish Dance, all graceful and charming. 伽沃特舞和披巾舞更是如此,只有特别熟练的学生才能学会.她的姐姐弗洛伦斯只记得有一对“单身夫妇——一对兄妹”跳了披巾舞, 从而达到了“人类野心的巅峰”.”

“The Most Magnificent Ballroom in the World”

In 1837, Lorenzo Papanti opened a magnificent new ballroom on Tremont Street, 以弹簧地板为特色,据说弹簧地板在人的脚下“像一个有生命的东西”,” a $1200 chandelier, dressing rooms, and many other amenities. 莫德·豪·艾略特回忆说,“紧紧抓住母亲的手, 我被领进了世界上最华丽的舞厅. It was surrounded on two sides with raised benches; the third was filled with long gilded mirrors, the fourth by a ‘Minstrel’s Gallery.’” For years to come, 帕潘蒂的大厅将举办波士顿议会舞会, 每年举办四次(仅为波士顿社会的cri de la cri举办),是波士顿社会和文化生活的固定组成部分.

Who was Lorenzo Papanti?

洛伦佐·帕潘提出生于意大利里窝那, 弗朗西斯科和阿里安娜·帕潘蒂的次子(尽管他1856年的婚姻记录显示他们是古斯塔夫和安娜). 据报道,他在托斯卡纳公爵的皇家卫队中担任军官时,在一次决斗中杀死了一名军官, forcing him to flee Italy. Fortunately, the USS Constitution 他把帕潘提(一位熟练的法国圆号演奏家)作为船上乐队的一员带上了船.

抵达波士顿时除了匆匆安排的介绍信和, strangely, his “full court regalia,有一段时间,帕潘蒂在波士顿剧院的管弦乐队演奏圆号,勉强维持生计. 1842年,他与第一任妻子萨拉·奎因(Sarah Quinn)结婚. Patrick’s Church in Roxbury; the couple had two sons, 1844年的洛伦佐和1846年的奥古斯都,直到1848年萨拉死于肺病. 1856年,他与马萨诸塞州纽伯里波特的哈里特·莫尔斯结婚.

Lorenzo Papanti died in 1872. 讣告出现在远至田纳西州的报纸上, Ohio, and Wisconsin, and an obituary published in Worcester’s National Aegis neatly summed up Papanti’s career and influence

毫无疑问,至少在这三天里,波士顿上流社会的谈话会是洛伦佐·帕潘蒂先生的死, 是谁教会了新一代的祖辈和祖母们如何踮起脚尖,走起路来 pas of the period, 从那以后,他一直以几乎不减的活力从事着他的职业, 直到73岁高龄,他的双脚依然灵活,与世长辞. Mr. Papanti was by no means an ordinary Turveydrop. 他很有尊严,头脑清醒,对自己的行为有明确的认识. 多年来,他的酒吧一直是波士顿最大的私人聚会场所, 而在舞蹈课上,他在上流社会却无人能敌……他在波士顿已经立足近五十年了, and had accumulated a large fortune.

他的葬礼在波士顿的降临教堂举行 Boston Journal, attended by “young and old, of men with silvery locks, 那些成年的儿子和女儿紧随其后, 这些都是第三代人从这位慈祥的老教授的教导中受益的.”

For further reading

Amory, Cleveland. The Proper Bostonians New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1947

Beebe, Lucius. Boston and the Boston Legend New York: Appleton-Century, 1935

Crawford, Mary Caroline. Romantic Days in Old Boston Boston: Little Brown, 1922

Elliott, Maud Howe. Three Generations Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1923

Hall, Florence Howe. Memories Grave and Gay New York: Harper & Brothers, 1918

Hunter, Jane H. 年轻女士如何成为女孩:美国少女时代的维多利亚起源 New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002

Weber, Jody. 波士顿美学与表现性舞蹈的演变 Amherst, N.Y.: Cambria, 2009

Wexler, Dorothy B. 《温室长大:多萝西·温斯洛普·布拉德福德的故事 New York: Garland, 1988