Object of the Month

An “obscure, 相当伤脑筋的艺术”:贝弗利的玛丽·伍德伯里的羽毛笔作品, Massachusetts


Quillwork sconce


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  • [ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

    这支蜡烛以纸笔为特色, metal, wax, 云母在一个阴影盒框架中工作. 1730年,贝弗利的玛丽·伍德伯里在波士顿的一所年轻女子学校

    What is quillwork?

    In the 18th and 19th centuries, 来自富裕的新英格兰家庭的年轻女性可以进入学院学习, in addition to traditional academic pursuits, 他们可以学习各种形式的装饰艺术. At these schools, 年轻女性可以接受绘画等艺术方面的指导, waxwork, Japanning, painting on glass, quillwork, feather-work, and ornamental needlework. Among these endeavors, quillwork such as Mary Woodbury’s stands out, not only for its complexity and beauty, 但从制作一本书所需材料的成本来看,除了学费之外. Brandy Culp, writing of the Wadsworth Athenaeum’s sconce他估计,生产它的成本可能高达2000美元(相当于今天的货币)!

    At its most basic, Quillwork(也叫quillling或quillery)是徒手或围绕羽毛笔将窄条纸卷成紧卷或松卷的过程, gluing, then pinching the edges to make teardrops, eyes, and other shapes将中心向上推出卷来制作 cone shapes然后将这些微小的形状组合成像玛丽那样精致的设计. Although these days, 人们可以买到狭长的纸条和各种颜色的纸来制作图案, 18世纪的女学生可没那么容易. In her Young Ladies School of Arts 汉娜·罗伯逊在1767年发表的一篇文章中描述了这个过程的一部分:

    Filligree is very pretty work, and when executed with judgment, will last hundreds of years, 可以用来代表各种各样的人物,比如野兽, birds, houses, flowers, trees, coats of arms, &c. 首先要做的是在纸上染上你选择的各种颜色, let it be glazed over; then delivered to a book-binder to be gilded and cut in very narrow slips; after which your own judgment, or a pattern, will direct you, 你是打算买画框还是镜框, boxes, &c. … Take care not to let any of the glue fall on your work after the filligree is laid on; because it will dim the gilding …

    然而,鹅毛笔只是玛丽辛苦工作的开始. 每朵闪闪发光的花都是一片一片地做成的. 虽然确切的过程很难确定, 当时的人造花是用蜡制成的, gum Arabic, or isinglass. 其他当代鹅毛笔作品用蜡像装饰, shells, 和其他材料(参见“进一步阅读”,以获得其他机构馆藏作品的链接)。.

    这些羽毛笔作品的复杂和美丽体现了创作者的年龄. According to Hannah Robertson, “I know it by experience, 八、九岁的孩子将比一生中任何时候都能更好地学会养花, 十岁和十一岁学播种[缝纫]比早学好.“我们不确定玛丽创作这幅画时的确切年龄, but probably younger than one would think.

    Who was Mary Woodbury?

    Mary Woodbury was born in Beverly, Massachusetts in 1717, 乔赛亚和莉迪亚(赫里克饰)的女儿, 他们都是马萨诸塞州北岸创始家族的后裔. In 1737, she married Dr. 贝弗利的本杰明·琼斯,一位杰出的医生. 1748年,玛丽在她生日的前一天去世,留下了四个不到10岁的孩子. Her husband remarried twice, 但她仍然保留着她的壁龛和其他艺术品, 然后通过他们的女儿莉迪亚家族传承下来,并于1931年交给了MHS.

    Women’s artistry on display at the MHS

    玛丽·伍德伯里(Mary Woodbury)的羽毛笔坐垫和刺绣围裙是马萨诸塞州历史学会(Massachusetts Historical Society)安妮·本特利画廊(Anne Bentley Gallery)目前展出的女性艺术品之一. 这次展览的特色是Lilian Westcott Hale的作品, Louise Wheelwright Damon, and Sarah Gooll Putnam; medals by Amelia Peabody, Anna Coleman Ladd, and others; and a contemporary mixed media textile by Anna Clutterbuck-Cook, 协会已故的高级参考图书管理员. 这些展品将于2024年3月1日至5月31日在美术馆展出.

    For further reading

    玛丽·伍德伯里(Mary Woodbury)的坐垫只是马萨诸塞州历史学会(Massachusetts Historical Society)保留下来的她的艺术遗产之一. Her portrait of Pocahontas 还有一件华丽的刺绣(虽然未完成) apron 她在波士顿上学时也在工作吗.

    你可以在这个博客上找到羽毛笔的简史 "Regency Redingote".

    Similar quillwork sconces, 很可能是玛丽·伍德伯里在波士顿工作的同时,她的作品也在 WinterthurMetropolitan Museum of ArtWadsworth AthenaeumBoston Museum of Fine Arts; and Historic New England.

    博物馆收藏的其他鹅毛笔的例子包括一个独特而多彩的例子 Beauport Sleeper-McCann house 在格洛斯特和鹅毛笔的孵化(盾形纹章) Metropolitan Museum of Art.

    Carlisle, Nancy. Cherished Possessions: A New England Legacy 波士顿:新英格兰文物保护协会,2003.

    Cooper, Wendy A. 赞颂美国:美国装饰艺术,1650-1830 New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1980.

    Downs, Joseph. “A Quillwork Hatchment,” The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, vol. 33, no. 12 (Dec. 1938), p. 267-268.

    Little, Nina Fletcher. 《一点一滴:收集美国装饰艺术的六十年 New York: E.P. Dutton, 1984

    Parmal, Pamela. 妇女的工作:刺绣在殖民地波士顿波士顿: Museum of Fine Arts, 2012

    Robertson, Hannah. 年轻女子艺术学校:包含各种实用收据…… Edinburgh: Printed by Wal. Ruddiman Jr., 1767.

    Smith, Greg. “Boston Schoolgirl Filigree & Wax Sconce …,” Antiques and the Arts Weekly, Dec. 8, 2020.

    Vogel, Anne H. “幻想人物:18世纪早期的波士顿蜡像” Antiques and Fine Art, (6th anniversary, 2005), p. 245-251.