
"A big baby always having to be fed and never growing up": 露西的石头 and the 女人的杂志



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[项目描述如下: 本月目标 ]

这是Fredrikke S. 帕尔默,总部位于波士顿的员工艺术家 女人的杂志的封面 火炬手, a pamphlet published in 1916 to outline the history and finances of the 杂志. 《og体育平台》 was founded in 1870 by 露西的石头 and her husband Henry Blackwell as the official publication of the American Woman’s Suffrage Association.


露西的石头 1818年8月13日出生在西布鲁克菲尔德, 麻萨诸塞州, the eighth of nine children born to Hannah Bowman (Matthews) and Francis Stone. Francis was a tanner and farmer and as was typical with such a large family, the children were expected to contribute financially as soon as they could—once chores were done for the day, Lucy and her sisters were employed in sewing the uppers of shoes and, 晚些时候, 教学. 在早期, Lucy chafed against the traditional role of woman as wife and mother and the causes of woman suffrage and abolition of slavery became her life's passions.

Her father was staunchly opposed to paying for his daughter's schooling, so Lucy used her own earnings from 教学 to fund her education, first for a single semester at Mount Holyoke in 1839 where her radical abolitionist views clashed with those of the administration and 晚些时候 at Oberlin Collegiate Institute. Oberlin was founded in 1833 and began offering admission to women in 1837. Lucy earned her degree in 1847 at the age of 29—the first 麻萨诸塞州 woman to do so and one of only a few nationwide.

In 1848, Lucy was hired as a lecturer by the 麻萨诸塞州 Anti-Slavery Society, a career choice utterly disdained by her family and society at large. Courageously responding to her mother's concerns about lecturing, 露西写道, while I hear the wild shriek of the slave mother robbed of her little ones, or the muffled groan of the daughter spoiled of her virtue, 我不为哑巴开口,我就没有罪?" In 1851, Lucy turned her prodigious oratorical talents towards the cause of woman's suffrage, 尽管她继续在废奴问题上发言. It was on a lecture tour through Cincinnati in 1853 that she met the man who would overcome her opposition to marriage and become a life partner in abolition and suffrage—Henry Browne Blackwell. Henry and Lucy married in 1855, breaking with tradition and reading a “抗议” at their wedding aimed at preserving Lucy's autonomy against laws that ceded all of a woman's rights to her husband. 抗议活动以以下声明结束:

We believe that personal independence and equal human rights can never be forfeited, except for crime; that marriage should be an equal and permanent partnership, and so recognized by law; that until it is so recognized, married partners should provide against the radical injustice of present laws, 尽其所能.

无视传统和法律, 露西婚后保留了她的姓, 她是美国第一位这样做的女性. 亨利和露西有一个孩子, 爱丽丝·斯通·布莱克威尔, 生于1857年, who would continue her parents' crusades after their deaths and write the first biography of her mother. 经历了漫长而动荡的职业生涯, 露西·斯通于1893年10月18日去世,享年75岁, 目睹了奴隶制的终结, 但不是妇女获得选举权. A trailblazer in death as in life, 露西的石头 became the first woman in New England to be cremated. Her remains, along with those of her husband and daughter, lie in Forest Hills Cemetery in Boston. 


In 1869, due to disagreements about the Fifteenth Amendment granting the vote to African American men, a schism formed in the women's rights movement leading to the formation of two competing national associations dedicated to women's suffrage. 伊丽莎白·凯蒂·斯坦顿和苏珊·B. 安东尼, 谁反对第十五修正案, formed the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) while 露西的石头 founded the more conservative American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA). 这两个组织都为妇女的投票权而斗争, but the NWSA also took stands on broader women's rights issues such as divorce laws and wage discrimination.

1870年,露西·斯通和亨利·布莱克威尔创立了 女人的杂志是AWSA的官方机构. The journal operated in the red almost from the beginning and Lucy and Henry subsidized the publication heavily in addition to their (unpaid) work soliciting subscriptions, 广告, 以及财政和编辑方面的贡献. In 1883 their daughter Alice joined the staff, becoming sole editor after her father's death in 1909. 虽然杂志从来没有在经济上取得成功, it had a wide circulation and played a vital role in the success of the woman's suffrage movement. In 1917 the journal was purchased by the Leslie Woman Suffrage Commission headed by Carrie Chapman Catt and renamed 女性公民. After the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, 女性公民 gradually went from a weekly to a monthly publication, finally ceasing publication in 1931.


Commemorating 100 years since 麻萨诸塞州 ratified the Nineteenth Amendment, this exhibition at the 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society (MHS) explores the activism and debate around women's suffrage in 麻萨诸塞州. Featuring dynamic 图像ry from the collection of the MHS, “她能做到吗??马萨诸塞州就妇女的投票权进行辩论 illustrates the passion on each side of the suffrage question. The exhibition is open at the MHS 26 April through 21 September 2019, 星期一至星期六, 从上午10点到下午4点.


让·H·贝克. 《姐妹:美国妇女参政论者的生活 纽约:山 & 王2005年.

萨利·G·麦克米伦著. 《露西·斯通:毫无歉意的人生 牛津:牛津大学出版社,2015.

瑞安,艾格尼丝·E. 火炬手: A Look Forward and Back at the 女人的杂志, the Organ of the Woman's Movement 波士顿:《og体育平台》,1916年.